Bow Hunting Decoys

Heads Up Decoy embodies the word functional and versatile. Two words that do not always go with big game decoys. Over the years, we have determined that there is no one way to use them and they can adapt to nearly every bow hunting situation into what is needed...or create an opportunity when opportunity would otherwise be unlikely without them.
Handheld, bow mountable, solo, or with a partner, these decoys are a proven game changer. It is not a stretch to describe our decoys as revolutionary. You control them. Your instincts. Your imagination. Your knowledge. You are what makes them so effective. Our Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Antelope, Moose, and Turkey decoys are designed to be Mobile, lightweight, packable, and durable. All our styles can help YOU be confident and more successful, while providing bowhunting moments that are unique to Heads Up Decoy. Good Luck. Be Mobile...Stay Mobile