'09 Muley Heads Up Decoy Success

November 22nd proved to be a very defining moment in the short life of Heads Up Decoy. Sunday morning of the 22nd found us driving and glassing the cut milo fields where we had seen a very large muley buck 2 days before. Long before shooting light we glassed up or binoculated, as I say, some muleys in some fields. As we changed positions we soon found the big boy's buddy and felt he was in close proximity.
My film crew and I spotted a bedded muley buck in the field and managed to get within 100yrds. We waited and flashed the Heads Up Decoy muledeer doe as they would periodically get up and change positions. The doe that was with this buck would block the buck from making his way over to use.
After 4 hours of goofing around with them it was "make-or-break-time" and the muley decoy went in and on the bow mount. Folks, I stood up in the cut milo field using the decoy as a shield and mosied to 30yrds of the buck and doe to deliver what I thought was a fatal heart shot. As the buck stood in the field just out of bow range I decided to nock another arrow and shoot again. I closed the distance again and delivered another shot which proved to be the fatal hit. He was not the big muley we saw a couple of days earlier, but he is certainly respectable.
Ya know, I thought it would be possible with mule deer to walk up on them, but not in the openness of a cut milo field. What a deal...what a deal. I will never forget it.