Whitetail Pre-Rut Tactics for Early Season Success
Heads Up Decoy
I generally have not written enough about tactics and/or observations on the blog, but now that fall is here and we are in the month of October I felt a quick article about a very overlooked month would be appropriate.
Typically, October marks the start of many archery seasons across the mid west...or at least the time when people get a chance to enjoy some cooler weather and "casual" deer hunting outings that hold them over until November. Don't overlook the early season month of October for wrapping your tag around a great whitetail buck.
At Heads Up Decoy, we certainly understand the whitetail protocol that has been the recipe for success for decades...treestand hunting. But, for a moment, think about your area and the opportunities that may be available for some exciting hunting using rattling, calling, and yes...decoying. Calling sequences always work better if you have a decoy involved and in the month of October, many calling and rattling techniques can work better than during the peak of the rut.
Choose some areas on your property that offer access to some prime bedding locations or at the edge of uncut corn/milo...but don't necessarily interfere with a treestand or other stand location. Always use the wind to help you slip into these locations to lay down some subtle calling, rattling, or tree rubbing sequences. Have the decoy available either clamped to a tree or stationary object or held in your hand or a partners.
The reason I enjoy this tactic is simply because you can work an area well and often roust out a good buck that goes to bed early...often before shooting light. Bucks in October spend a substantial amount of time hanging out together, rubbing trees, and sparring. So these types of noises will peak the interest of a nearby bedded buck to come and investigate. Having the decoy available and easily seen will draw that animal out of the thick cover to present a close shot.
Morning or evenings work well...but if I had to choose, the afternoon and evenings of nights during the full moon are the best. We all get frustrated to a degree with the full moon and the morning hunts. But, as deer go to bed early, the dinner bell will ring earlier in the day and I also believe they get bored. Late afternoon and early evening during nights with a full moon can be full of deer movement and action in and around their bedding area. Take advantage of it. Remember, our midwestern whitetails are aggressive animals and we can exploit that characteristic by hunting them aggressively. As far as the fear of "bumping" them...in my opinion deer reset quickly with little effect. It takes repeated and often daily "bumps" to push them out of the area. It's also interesting that to note that if you do "bump" an animal from his bed...it is not unlikely for him to return later in the day after the buck thinks enough time for the danger has passed. This is exactly the scenerio that happened to me last fall. I bumped a good buck from his bed only for him to return a couple hours later...with me waiting for his return. As embarassing as it is to admit...I missed this buck clean at 25 yards.
Heads Up Decoys are the only decoy on the market that can help you get in quietly, hunt aggressively, and keep you mobile for this type of hunting technique. Hunting the pre-rut with decoying and calling set ups are a great way to score early season success. Good luck and Be Mobile...Stay Mobile.
Typically, October marks the start of many archery seasons across the mid west...or at least the time when people get a chance to enjoy some cooler weather and "casual" deer hunting outings that hold them over until November. Don't overlook the early season month of October for wrapping your tag around a great whitetail buck.
At Heads Up Decoy, we certainly understand the whitetail protocol that has been the recipe for success for decades...treestand hunting. But, for a moment, think about your area and the opportunities that may be available for some exciting hunting using rattling, calling, and yes...decoying. Calling sequences always work better if you have a decoy involved and in the month of October, many calling and rattling techniques can work better than during the peak of the rut.
Choose some areas on your property that offer access to some prime bedding locations or at the edge of uncut corn/milo...but don't necessarily interfere with a treestand or other stand location. Always use the wind to help you slip into these locations to lay down some subtle calling, rattling, or tree rubbing sequences. Have the decoy available either clamped to a tree or stationary object or held in your hand or a partners.
The reason I enjoy this tactic is simply because you can work an area well and often roust out a good buck that goes to bed early...often before shooting light. Bucks in October spend a substantial amount of time hanging out together, rubbing trees, and sparring. So these types of noises will peak the interest of a nearby bedded buck to come and investigate. Having the decoy available and easily seen will draw that animal out of the thick cover to present a close shot.
Morning or evenings work well...but if I had to choose, the afternoon and evenings of nights during the full moon are the best. We all get frustrated to a degree with the full moon and the morning hunts. But, as deer go to bed early, the dinner bell will ring earlier in the day and I also believe they get bored. Late afternoon and early evening during nights with a full moon can be full of deer movement and action in and around their bedding area. Take advantage of it. Remember, our midwestern whitetails are aggressive animals and we can exploit that characteristic by hunting them aggressively. As far as the fear of "bumping" them...in my opinion deer reset quickly with little effect. It takes repeated and often daily "bumps" to push them out of the area. It's also interesting that to note that if you do "bump" an animal from his bed...it is not unlikely for him to return later in the day after the buck thinks enough time for the danger has passed. This is exactly the scenerio that happened to me last fall. I bumped a good buck from his bed only for him to return a couple hours later...with me waiting for his return. As embarassing as it is to admit...I missed this buck clean at 25 yards.
Heads Up Decoys are the only decoy on the market that can help you get in quietly, hunt aggressively, and keep you mobile for this type of hunting technique. Hunting the pre-rut with decoying and calling set ups are a great way to score early season success. Good luck and Be Mobile...Stay Mobile.